Psychedelics: Clinical, Ceremonial & Celebratory: Adapting the Medicine

Psychedelics: Clinical, Ceremonial & Celebratory: Adapting the Medicine


Throughout human history, psychedelic substances have been used to induce spiritual experiences. Sacred ceremonial use of psychedelics are changing and broadening from intimate Indigenous private Peyote sweat sessions to urban Ayahuasca ritual parties or music festival LSD, Ecstasy and Mushroom intake. How do we educate and safely navigate the growing desire and need for psychotherapeutic environments? And as the medicines are gaining acceptance and legitimacy through research and clinical trials, what does the integration of psychedelics into traditional medicine mean for how we view other indigenous cultural practices and remedies? How can we protect the sacred roots of psychedelic substances while continuing to explore the science?

Brendan Russo
Mareesa Stertz
David Bronner
Ben De Loenen
Ismail L. Ali
Belinda Eriacho

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